The Corner

Joe Biden was a plagiarist; and Barack Obama is no Joe Biden

A GOP politico friend defends Obama:

Obama was responding to what Hillary said in a pretty logical and general riff – and Obama was responding to an attack that was similar to the same made against Deval Patrick in the same way (albeit by a Republican female candidate)……so not surprising they both came up with a similar reaction…

When I heard Hillary make her “speeches not solutions” attack I had the same reaction – and probably said something similar….”All men are created equal’ – just words…yeah, right Hillary, just words.  “Just words” is plagiarism?!

Republicans are always saying Reagan like things without attributing – we couldn’t keep track of all of them and give attribution.  They are part of us.  We don’t always say “As Reagan said”…

Give me a break!  Is Hillary plagiarizing when she says “don’t stop thinking about tomorrow” and “bridge to the 21st century” – is she always saying “As Bill Clinton said…” when she takes his lines?

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