The Corner

Joe Biden, the Senator From MBNA

On the home page, I have a new (old) piece up about Joe Biden. In 1998, I went to Delaware to look into the circumstances under which Biden had sold a house. It had been a minor issue in his 1996 re-election campaign, but when I got there, I found that it was just a small part of Biden’s very close relationship with MBNA, the giant Delaware-based credit-card company (which was bought by Bank of America in 2006). It turned out to be a portrait of how Biden’s very-old Washington ways worked.

And by the way, Biden’s up for re-election this year, right?  Has there been any announcement of what he’ll do about that?  I believe he can run for re-election simultaneously, but will he take advantage of that hedge? 

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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