The Corner

White House

Joe Biden Is Still Joe Bidening

The man currently paid to be president dropped by the “White House Creator Economy Conference” to give some largely unscripted remarks. It went about how it does these days for him.

A few samples:

A rambling complaint about the press: “There’s no editors anymore.”

Stopping himself: “I wanted to say something else to you, and I can’t remember what it was.” (Followed by a long pause to flip through note cards at the podium, then giving up.)

Shushing the press when they try to ask questions, after he invited them from participants: “I’m not talking to you guys. . . . I told you we’re going to have a soft landing, we’re going to have a soft landing, my policies are working, start writing that way, okay?”

Still closer to an unscripted exchange than we’re getting from Kamala Harris these days, however.

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