The Corner

Jindal: ‘Absolutely’ Can Imagine ‘Reagan-Like Buildup’ in Military Spending after 2016

Louisiana Republican governor Bobby Jindal advocated a vast increase in U.S. military spending during a talk at the American Enterprise Institute on Monday, saying he “absolutely” could imagine a “Reagan-like buildup” of the Pentagon budget after the next administration takes over in 2016.

The possible presidential contender spoke to AEI on Monday about plans to shrink government spending on the military. Given the burgeoning threats of Russian expansionism and Islamic radicalism, the governor argued that the proposed cuts should be radically reversed as soon as possible.

“Can you imagine another Reagan-like buildup being necessary in the next administration?” Jindal was asked.

“Absolutely,” the governor replied, though he stressed the increase wouldn’t happen “overnight” and that waste in the Pentagon procurement process must also be rooted out.

“But as we reform the procurement process we have to increase investment,” Jindal continued. “And we do point to the Reagan buildup as an example — a successful example.”

In a bid to confront the Soviet Union, President Reagan dramatically expanded military spending soon after taking office in 1980. The peacetime buildup saw hundreds of billions added to the Pentagon budget, and is often credited with bankrupting the USSR by forcing them to maintain commensurate levels of military investment. 

Since the War on Terror began in 2001, military spending has surpassed levels seen even during the height of the Reagan era. 

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