The Corner

Politics & Policy

Jim Talent on the Trump Jr. Meeting

Senator Talent writes, “If I were running in a close race against an opponent who had been credibly accused of using her foundation to do favors for foreign entities, and a contact from one of those entities had approached my campaign with an offer of information, I would have wanted my campaign to follow up, albeit with caution.” Fair enough. My questions for the senator: If the approach to your campaign came from an unfriendly government that said it wished to support your candidacy, would you have taken the meeting? Would you, a few weeks after the meeting, have gone on television to say that the idea that this foreign government was backing your campaign was a disgusting lie? Would you have said, nine months later, that you had not participated in any meetings that had been “set up” with people from that country? Would you, when people started asking about the meeting, have said that it was primarily about adoptions? I think I know Senator Talent well enough to guess that the answer to these questions is no.

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