The Corner

Jihad Jane

The story of the Hezbollah mole in the FBI and CIA is starting to get some traction, with pieces today by Debbie Schlussel, Robert Spencer, and Joel Mowbray. Before even asking about how both the CIA and FBI background checks could have missed so many obvious red flags about this spy, it’s clear that our insouciant attitude toward illegal immigration and immigration fraud is what made this penetration possible — she was a visa-overstaying illegal alien who then entered into a transparently fake marriage to launder her status here, and no one noticed.

Mowbray asks:

So why are the Feds downplaying the case? And why is much of the mainstream media playing along? Most important, why is she going to do less jail time than many petty thieves?

The reason is that everyone (even Joel) is in thrall to the same false notion, expressed most succinctly by a spokeswoman for the National Council of La Raza after 9/11: “There’s no relationship between immigration and terrorism.” In other words, let’s just let in the good Mexican illegal aliens but keep out the bad Arab illegal aliens. But until we realize that, under modern conditions, national security is impossible without comprehensive immigration control, we’re going to keep seeing stories like Jihad Jane over and over again. She is, in the words of the Tancredo ad everyone felt superior in pooh-poohing, “The price we pay for spineless politicians who refuse to defend our borders against those who come to kill.”

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