The Corner

Jeb Bush Launches Twin PACs

It’s another signal Jeb Bush is serious about a White House run: On Tuesday he filed paperwork for and officially launched the political-action committee Right to Rise. In a video posted on Facebook in both English and Spanish, Bush said the organization will ”support candidates that support conservative principles to allow all Americans to rise up.”

That’s the long way of saying it’ll support Bush’s fundraising operation. The group has a website, which you can visit here

Bush is also in the process of setting up a super PAC, according to Politico and, though it’s unclear how the two organizations will work together, the setup, says Politico, ”could potentially allow Bush’s supporters to raise huge contributions or secure pledges into a super PAC that could tout his attributes — or criticize potential rivals — before an official campaign launches. A leadership PAC, meanwhile, could accept smaller checks to fund a pre-campaign political operation.”

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