The Corner

Politics & Policy

Jeb Bush, American Son

Jeb Bush at the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, Mich., in 2015 (Rebecca Cook/Reuters)

Jeb Bush is my guest on Q&A, here. We begin by talking about his late mother, Barbara Bush. Also, what’s it like to be part of a family so well-known? The fishbowl must have its plusses and minuses.

Then I ask Bush to discuss some of America’s foremost problems: guns, immigration, opioids, entitlements, education, trade. We talk politics — nationalism and “America First,” for instance. At the end, I ask Bush to give us a little “benediction,” a dose of uplift.

In this podcast, Jeb Bush is at his best, I think: wide-ranging, knowledgeable, practical, and idealistic.

Let me mention two other podcasts, too: Mona Charen and I have recorded our weekly Need to Know. We discuss some of the crush of news: the Koreas, Trump, Macron, Cosby, etc. We also talk books, TV shows, movies, and music. Mona is up to the minute on almost everything. Conversations with her enable me to be less behind.

Last, I have done a new episode of Jaywalking. I’ve got some politics, some history, some sports. I also have Leontyne Price and my dad singing (not together). I don’t believe they have ever sung on the same podcast before — making this an historic episode.

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