The Corner

It’s Time to Call Barbara Boxer Ma’am Again

There is a clever new California Senate race ad from Right Change. After watching it, you may not be surprised to learn it is a brainchild of David Zucker, of Airplane! fame:



This should go California viral.

UPDATE: This video also comes with an apology from David Zucker via Breitbartland:

I remember immediately feeling embarrassed that a member of Congress would treat an officer of the U.S. military like that.  And doubly embarrassed that back in the early 90’s I had contributed to Barbara Boxer’s campaign.  I was so outraged at the pure arrogance of that moment,  that I sat down to write the spot, highlighting the pure absurdity of our California Senator dressing down a General for calling her “Ma’am.”  No Naked Gun or Scary Movie ever had an opportunity as good as that one for pure ridicule.  Never mind that the military are instructed to call their superiors including members of congress ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’, including specifically, Members of Congress!

I thought an apology would have been appropriate, but to my knowledge, none has ever been made by Senator Boxer.  This I find distressing, since apologies from public figures nowadays are the norm.  I mean, it’s not as if she texted her junk to Brett Favre.  This was just arrogantly insulting an army officer.  But I guess that’s okay with her.   

In the debate with Carly Fiorina, the subject was brought up, but Boxer was quite adept at deflecting it — and still without an apology.  Let this video be my apology.  Every time I see the public record listing my campaign contribution to Boxer — I wince.   I mean, we all have things we’ve done in the past that we’re embarrassed about, but I’d rather have my being restricted to 100 yards away from elementary schools be public knowledge than that $5,000  Boxer campaign contribution.

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