The Corner

It’s Still All About Bush

This e-mail just in from Paul Begala: 

Kathryn –

Republicans have a simple plan this New Year’s Eve. Instead of flipping the calendar ahead to 2010, they’re hoping to flip it backwards by about eight years.

Think I’m exaggerating? This year Republicans have spent every day waging the same all-out war on the middle class that they started at the very hour that George W. Bush came into office.

They see 2010 as their chance to go back in time. And with the final FEC deadline of 2009 expiring at the exact same time that the ball drops in Times Square, the only thing stopping them is you.

Don’t let Republicans turn the clock back. Help Democrats raise $1,000,000 for the final FEC Deadline of 2009. Contribute $5, $10 or more before Midnight on December 31st and a group of committed Democrats will match every dollar you give with two dollars of their own.

One thing you can’t call the Republicans is ‘do nothings.’ They have a plan to do something alright. Their plan is to bring back the old, failed Bush policies that drove our economy off the cliff complete with high deficits, high unemployment, and handing out tax cuts to the fat cats at the very top.

Even worse — then they have the nerve to turn around and blame President Obama and Democrats in Congress for the economic calamity they spent the last eight years creating!

My personal favorite is when they blame us for the $12 trillion deficit that was created on their watch after being handed a balanced budget. Republicans lecturing Democrats about the deficit is like Bernie Madoff teaching a course on investing.

Don’t let Republicans turn the clock back. Help Democrats raise $1,000,000 for the final FEC Deadline of 2009. Contribute $5, $10 or more before Midnight on December 31st and a group of committed Democrats will match every dollar you give with two dollars of their own.

The Republicans smell their chance in the New Year to bring back all the failed policies of the last eight. With the final FEC deadline of 2009 fast approaching, the power to stop them is in your hands.


Paul Begala

P.S. Republicans have spent 2009 pretending like the Great Recession is some kind of natural disaster that just fell out of the clear blue sky. Nope. You and I know that their policies caused it and that the only thing getting us back on course is President Obama and Democrats in Congress fighting for a new direction. Don’t let Republicans turn the clock back this New Year’s Eve. Contribute before the final FEC deadline passes while the ball drops in Times Square and a group of committed Democrats will match every dollar you give with two dollars of their own.

The Left should take some of its own advice. MOVEON. 

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