The Corner

It Was The Schools Fault!

Just giving Airpower guy some grief. From him:


Re: strafing an elementary school.

Well, THAT would be a spirited debrief.

A couple of things:

-having a school 3.5 miles from a military firing range doesn’t strike me as

the wisest zoning plan, and

-night range rides are challenging enough for guys who fly regularly, much

less Guardsmen who may not do this as often.

A nighttime bomb/strafe pass is disorienting enough as it is…sit in a

chair in a dark room, put a bag over your head, lean over one arm of the

chair, then roll out and stand up while staying bent 90 degrees at the

waist. That’s about what it feels like to roll in on even a shallow pass in

the dark. Note: do this alone. Otherwise, Cosmo and the Fair Jessica might

start wondering about you…

This was a goof, obviously, but if he only fired 25 rounds, with a Vulcan

cannon, that was a really short burst, which leads me to believe he probably

thought something was wrong as soon as he pulled the trigger. Also, the

press reports said the bullets were made of lead. Um, I don’t think

so–steel more’n likely.

Anyway, night ops can be really squirrelly even if you’re current/proficient

and night range rides involve a lot of unnatural actions…thank God it was

only 20mm and that it happened on Wednesday, not Tuesday. Otherwise, I would not be surprised it being characterized as another attempt by Karl Rove to

intimidate Pennsylvania voters.



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