The Corner


Is Transgenderism a Wedge Issue?

There is an interesting piece in Politico by Gabby Orr about the disagreement in “Trumpworld” over the political viability of so-called “anti-transgender” policies. Research suggests that the topic of male trans-identified athletes in sports, in particular, is of considerable concern to conservative Democrats and independents. Of course, there is an even more controversial aspect to the transgender debate, as liberal commentators such as Joe Rogan have also noted. Orr reports:

Next week, [the American Principles Project] will debut two ads in battleground Michigan that accuse former Vice President Joe Biden, who has generally used his platform to promote protections for LGBTQ youth, of endorsing “gender change treatments for minors,” including surgery and hormone therapies for transgender youth. One of the ads, featuring former drag queen Kevin Whitt, warns that children “need time” to develop a stable sense of their gender. “As a young teen, I felt I should be a woman,” Whitt says. “Seventeen years later, I felt I should be a man again. Treatments to change the gender of a minor are very dangerous and irreversible.”

This reminds me of a similar tactic deployed by the U.K. conservative government prior to their landslide victory last December. The political Left is way ahead of the public on transgender issues. Just how much that translates into voting power remains to be seen.

Madeleine Kearns is a former staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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