The Corner

IRS Ignores Disclosure Deadline

The IRS will not meet the deadline (today) for responding to a series of questions from the Senate Finance Committee regarding the agency’s targeting of conservative political groups. In a joint statement, committee chairman Max Baucus (D., Mont.) and ranking member Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) said it was “disappointing that the IRS failed to produce any of the documents requested by the Committee,” and noted the irony and hypocrisy of the nation’s tax-collecting agency refusing to meet a deadline for producing requested information.

“This is an agency that revolves around making the American taxpayer meet hard deadlines each and every year when they file their taxes, oftentimes penalizing those that are late,” the senators said. “The IRS needs to do much better.”

The IRS said it was “moving aggresively and taking the data requests very seriously.”

Meanwhile, House GOP investigators have identified 88 IRS employees who may have documents relating to the targeting scandal. 

Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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