The Corner

An Iraqi Named Dick Cheney

Aaron Bailey, who has been at the heart of the NRO slave operations in recent days, somehow found time to catch this on CNN earlier this week:

JANE ARRAF, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Carol, we’re in a village called Sha Idri (ph). And as we mentioned, and as you mentioned, hundreds of thousands of Kurds have fled into the mountains. Most of them are in schools and mosques and tents by the side of the road. But the location we’re in now is perhaps unique. In fact, this may be a first. We are coming to you live from an ancient cave in a destroyed Yasiti (ph) village in this town….

But first, I want to show you the family that lives here. Now three families are living in this cave. One of the families belongs to Kareem Jilti (ph) and his wife, Nockmor (ph). That’s astead (ph), Kareem, Island (ph). And they have 12 children.

Now the children range from Kertistan (ph), who is their firstborn, 18 years old, to the youngest, who is 4 years old. He’s running around here somewhere. And in between, their child is Dick Cheney. Dick — where is Dick?. Dick. That’s Dick Cheney. And yes, he was named after the U.S. Defense Secretary.

Dick was born in 1991, and his father says he named him Dick Cheney because they admired the American. Now he was born in ‘91 during the liberation of Kuwait. And according to his father, if they are expecting another baby anytime soon, they will be naming him George Bush.

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