The Corner

Iran News Round Up

(Thanks to Ali Alfoneh for his compilation)


  • Azad Unversity defends itself against attacks from the Institute of Contemporary Iranian History’s Abbas Salimi-Namin, apparently part of the Ahmadinejad government’s campaign against institutions affiliated with former president Rafsanjani.
  • Ahmadinejad visits Mashhad.
  • Hossein Mousavian, just convicted of endangering Iran’s national security, meets Rafsanjani.
  • Government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham, who earlier refuted rumors of government reshuffle, says he was not aware of the changes in the government which were announced by the Iranian president.
  • New appointments of provincial governors to be announced soon.
  • According to E’temad, guarantees have been issued to Iranian parliamentarian Nour al-Din Pir-Moazzen, who currently resides in the U.S. as a defector.
  • Ahmadinejad’s office vetoes a cabinet decision to change government employee benefits.

Economy and Trade

  • Iranian academic Dr. Hossein Sobhani: “The responsibility of the injustice of inflation lies with those who remain at their top positions regardless of their record of incompetence.”
  • Delivering a speech to the Foundation of Housing [Bonyad-e Maskan], Ahmadinejad demands the Foundation relieve the Iranian nation of “pressures when it comes to the housing situation.”
  • The Jerusalem Post says the German firm Siemens has sold advanced espionage equipment to the Islamic Republic.
  • An old school friend of Ahmadinejad, Mohsen Me’mari, appointed head of the Qadir Investment Enterprise of Bank-e Saderat.

Nuclear Issue


  • Afghan Foreign Minister condemns sabotage of Iran-Afghanistan ties.
  • Hardline Iranian press highlights Arlen Specter’s criticism of Bush on Iran.
  • Swiss authorities intend to ignore the protests of “Jewish organizations” to the latest oil and gas deal between the Islamic Republic and Switzerland.
  • Foreign Ministry Spokesman dismisses General Petraeus’ comments on Iran’s role in Iraq as “a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the bitter realities of Iraq.”
  • Emir of Qatar to Ayatollah Shahrudi during his visit to Doha: “Nothing can stop the good relations of our countries.”
  • Institute for Political Studies in Tehran publishes a ten volume series of documents from the U.S. embassy in Tehran. For more information see:
  • Some students at theological seminaries in Qom stage a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanding that Iran sever relations with “countries which insult Islam.”
  • Ahmadinejad uses meeting with Senegal’s president to denounce Zionism.

Human Rights and Labor

  • Khadijeh Moghadam Women’s rights activist and member of One Million Signatures Campaign Against Discriminatory Laws detained. Radio Farda talked to her sister.
  • Imprisoned Iranian civil society activist Emad al-Din Baghi awarded the “Oscar” of British reporters.

Picture of the Day

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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