The Corner

Iran News Round Up

(Thanks to Ali Alfoneh for his compilation)

Politics: March 2008 Parliamentary Elections

Politics: General

  • At a meeting of families of martyrs, Ahmadinejad says the Iranian nation is carrying a divine burden on its shoulders and will not stop its struggle until all injustice is erased from the surface of the earth.
  • Mohammad-Reza Bahonar, addressing the officers at the Ideological/Political Bureau of the Army: “The ruling authority in the government and in the parliament should not be changed.”
  • Supreme Leader: “The enemy is struggling to divide the political class into hardliners and softliners.”
  • Rafsanjani meets Ahmadinejad.


Culture, Religion, and Society

  • In an act of protest against the dean of ‘Alameh University, the top student of the university returns her prize to the dean with the words: “Mr. [Hojjat al-Eslam] Shariati, I would like to congratulate you upon the speed and expertise you have demonstrated by cleansing this university of 40 students in such a short period. This is a record and without precedent in the history of the university!” When the dean refused to take back the prize, the student placed it at his feet and left.
  • Unknown martyrs from the Iran-Iraq war buried on the campus of University of Science and Technology in Tehran.
  • The Iraqi city of Karbala hosts 9 million pilgrims on the occasion of the martyrdom of the Imam of the Shi’as, Hussein.

Economy and Trade

  • Iran delays signing $16 billion deal with China.
  • Price of gold coins rises in the Iranian market.

Human Rights and Labor

Nuclear Issue

Photo of the Day

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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