The Corner

Iran News Round Up

(Thanks to Ali Alfoneh for his compilation)

Politics: March 2008 Parliamentary Elections

  • In the wake of disqualification of reformist candidates to the Iranian parliament, Mohtashamipour of the Association of Combatant Clergy warns the political elites of the Islamic Republic against “the day your children stage demonstrations against the Council of Guardians.”
  • Alef reports “unauthorized campaigning tactics” by Iranian parliamentary candidates giving free meals, micro-loans, posters with the name and portrait of candidates, distribution of phone sim cards, and distribution of otherwise rationed petrol for cars.
  • Alef reports “political abuse of the funeral of Ayatollah Tavassoli” after reformist candidates show campaign posters at funeral rally.
  • Responding to the sarcasm of reformist candidates such as Abdullah Naseri who accused him of “begging a quota for his candidates at the Council of Guardians,” Mehdi Karrubi says he always employs “negotiation” to enhance his chances of success.
  • Friday Prayer Leader of Mashhad, Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda: “There is no room for secular people in this regime.”
  • Larijani, Qalibaf and a number of candidates from the principalist faction convene at the home of former commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohsen Rezai, to prepare election strategy.
  • Ali-Asghar Zare’i of the Principalist camp claims the reformist camp has established a War Room, organizing psy-ops against the principalists.
  • Reformist Tajzadeh accuses Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting of using ”manners and policies resembling to those before the revolution” in its election coverage.
  • Seyyed Mas’oud Jazayeri, deputy chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces Command Council, urges all the members of the armed forces to be loyal to the “principalist line” in Iran.
  • The Council of Guardians qualifies 562 candidates for parliamentary elections.
  • Fars News Agency publishes the name of 251 reformist candidates qualified for the parliamentary elections.

Politics: General

  • Association of Iranian poets publishes the proceedings of their symposium with the Supreme Leader.
  • Ansar, close to the Ansar-e Hezbollah vigilante groups, publishes an article by Mehdi Kouchakzadeh which supports Revolutionary Guards presence in politics.
  • Mas’oud Dehnamaki sides with the Revolutionary Guards in the dispute between Hassan Khomeini and the IRGC.
  • Ali Sa’idi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, says “the political movement which does not recognize the role of the Council of Guardians, or is against velayat [Guardianship (of the jurist)] is not a religious movement, but rather is an anti-religious movement.”
  • Ministry of Justice shuts down Jomhouriat.


  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: “Iran has become one of the most isolated countries in the world.”
  • Foreign Minister: “The era of terror, military threat and economic sanctions is over.” After ”misbehavior of Turkmen police towards Iranian chauffeurs,” Turkmenistan’s charge d’affaires is called to the Iranian Foreign Ministry.
  • Iran and Azerbaijan to expand military cooperation.
    • Defense Ministers meet.
  • Safavi, former commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guards: “Opposition to the unipolar world is the only strategy for Islamic states.”
  • Iranian Foreign Ministry denies having had any meetings with U.S. counterparts in Paris.
    • Ministry of Economy, on the other hand, says Iran has had an “expert level” meeting with U.S. counterparts to discuss money laundering.
    • 215 Iranian parliamentarians condemn both the publication of Muhammad cartoons in Danish newspapers and a Dutch film critical of Islam: “Recently, some media in the Netherlands and in Denmark, have under the influence of rootless and colonist Zionism, insulted and forged Islamic sanctities. We, the representative of the honorable people of Islamic Iran, condemn this Satanic deed and ask the honorable president to counter such insults with suitable measures and reconsider Iran’s political and trade relations with these countries. We also demand of the named governments not to allow Zionism – in contrast to the teachings of the two great divine prophets, His Holiness Moses blessed be upon him, and His Holiness Jesus, peace be upon him – to pursue its goals in the name of freedom of speech and in the name of the genuine people of the Netherlands and Denmark.”
    • Alef reports sudden death of Swiss magazine editor Pieter Melin, whose magazine has recently published the Danish Muhammad cartoons.
  • Asharq al-Awsat reports of arrest of 11 Iranian citizens in Yemen.

Economy and Trade

  • Chairman of the Bakers and Confectioners Guild in Tehran says the price of sweets will not increase ahead of Nowruz (Iranian new year) on March 21, 2008.
  • Iran claims $10.7 billion in foreign direct investment in nine months.

Public Health

  • Alef, quoting Fars News Agency, reports the completion of the first phase in the fight against spread of HIV/AIDS in Iran.


Photo of the Day

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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