The Corner

Iran News Round Up

  • Supreme Leader blasts U.S. in official Friday sermon.
    • “The severe blow Saddam and the Ba’th regime of Iraq received from the Iranian nation led them towards their doomed end later on.”
    • “Alert and wise Iranian nation, relying on strong faith and resistance, made US project of weakening Islamic Revolution face defeat.”
    • “In the nuclear field, too, we have proudly achieved noticeable advancement, proving the fact to the world that relying on our own nation’s capabilities we would reverse the effect of any sanctions.”
    • “The Americans were after the establishment of another US puppet regime in Iraq in the framework of their Greater Middle East Plan, but four years on, the entire analysts believe the US has faced full defeat in the country”
    • “The United States has got more and more loathed in the Islamic World with the passage of each day, and the public opinion of the nations are already impeaching that country, while the present day president and government of that country would beyond doubt be put to trial at a fair international court of justice for the miseries they have created in Iraq.”
    • U.S. leaders should be tried at International Court. More.
  • Ahmadinejad to visit U.S. for UN General Assembly on September 23.
  • Ahmadinejad’s envoy meets Chinese Foreign Minister.
  • South Africa commends Iran for its cooperation with IAEA.
  • Iran eager to expand economic ties with Switzerland.
  • Iran to invest $10 billion in Syria.
    • Do James Baker, Edward Djerejian, Flynt Leverett still believe Damascus can be flipped?
  • Iranian TV borrows National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which many Iranians say acts as de facto Islamic Republic lobby in U.S., press release as hard news.
    • Pitch as fact legal interpretation of Algiers Accords at odds with actual U.S. legal interpretation.
    • NIAC condemns democracy funding, even as it applied for National Endowment for Democracy grants to do democracy and NGO training?
  • Michael Moore in Iran press: Bush must be forced from the White House.
  • Picture of the Day: Ahmadinejad breaks Ramadan fast.
Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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