The Corner

Iran News Round Up

Military and Security



  • An all-Iranian made automobile to be marketed on the 30th anniversary of the 1979 revolution.
  • (E) Iran stymies sanctions.
  • Deputy commerce minister Qazanfari says the heterogeneous nature of the international banking sector opens opportunities for Iranian economic actors engaged in evading U.S. sanctions.
    • Qazanfari also urged the Iranian economic actors to engage in commerce with the private sector in European countries, since the private sector “first and foremost is interested in making money.”
  • According to Tabnak, Switzerland insists upon engaging in gas exploration in Iran despite U.S. pressures.
  • Tabnak News slams the United Arab Emirates’ role in smuggling of goods to the Islamic Republic.




Religion, Culture, and Society

Nuclear Issue

  • Deputy foreign minister Sheikh-Attar says 4000 centrifuges are spinning in Natanz, and adds “only a simpleton would think that America wants to abandon her hitherto policies [towards Iran.]“


Human Rights and Labor

Photo of the Day

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