The Corner

Iran and the Jews

Michael Totten at Commentary:

The Arab-Israeli conflict is often thought of as a Muslim-Israeli conflict, although it is not. Israel has normal relations and even alliances with a number of Muslim-majority countries – with Turkey, Albania, Azerbaijan, and some others. Kurdistan, if it existed as a sovereign nation, would instantly align itself with Israel against the Arabs. A number of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government officials told me they are not-so secretly friends with Israel now.

Iran used to have normal relations with Israel. I met Israel’s last ambassador to Iran in Jerusalem in 2006. He was posted in Tehran before the old regime of the Shah was overthrown by the Khomeinists. His very existence reminded me that hostile relations between Israel and Iran need not be eternal. A post-Khomeinist Iran, whether it comes into being now or later, might resume normal relations with Israel or at least dial down the hostility to a lower volume.

The rest of the post has a really excellent excerpt from Amir Taheri’s book, The Persian Night.

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