The Corner

Innovative suggestions

From a reader:

Hey Jonah,


What you need at NRO is “Jonah’s Timewasters Page,” a collection of your favorite (and not-so-favorite) timewasters with a rating on each one (from “Your boss won’t even notice how little time you spent here” to “Serious threat to next quarter’s productivity numbers”).  Along with this, NRO could start “Derb’s Home Repair Hints,” the VDH “Patton’s Third Army Video Game,” “John Miller’s Conservative Rock ‘n’ Roll Policy Page” (occasionally cited for severe overuse of “Boom-Boom, Out Go the Lights!”), “Ramesh Ponnuru’s Party of Andrew Piñata,” Rich Lowry’s “What Is Jonah Worth Today?” page, and, of course,  K-Lo’s “Mitt’s So Darn Cute I Could Just SCREAM!” page.


But you knew this already.


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