The Corner

Immigration Abuses: Do we need more madams?

So, there’s this Brazilian national named Andreia Schwartz, 31, who is a convicted prostitute and drug trafficker. A former employee of the reknowned Emperor’s VIP club, she apparently has spent much of the last two years in a prison cell in Riker’s Island. Just as the wheels of justice were beginning to grind, and she was about to be deported, the Eliot Spitzer (a.k.a. “Love Guv”) scandal broke. So, according to this story, what did the U.S. Government do? They offered her a green card to tell all she knew. Unreal. They had already chased the guy from office and they wanted more salacious stories? In return for a green card to a drug-dealing hooker? So she could continue her important work here? It would be nice to know who made that decision. And who his boss is. Inquiring minds need to know.

Meanwhile, the entrepreurial Ms. Schwartz sensibly declined the offer and headed home to Brazil where she is weighing book deals and the usual offers to pose for Playboy. A happy ending for all involved.

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