The Corner

I’m as Tired of The Whcd as You Are, But The E-Mails Keep Coming In

More of the same:

Oh, come on. I didn’t see the President’s performance, but I just watched Colbert’s on, and it was hilarious. I doubt the President’s team of Bruce Vilanch-esque writers could come close to topping it. Obviously Colbert is a big liberal, but so what? I think it’s beautiful that we live in a country where the most powerful man in the world can be mocked to his face.

Bottom line — you guys are insane if you didn’t think that Stephen-as-Press-Secretary video was funny. The implication that Helen Thomas is a fierce, objective reporter is stupid, but again, I don’t care.

I frankly don’t even know that Colbert is a big liberal (wishful thinking?).

As I’ve expressed many a time, I really get a kick out of his show. He just wasn’t funny last night. And I was bummed, because I had been looking forward to it.

At least there was W.

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