The Corner

Woke Culture

If You’re Going to Pass an Anti-DEI Law, Put Some Teeth in It

Some state legislatures have begun to push back against the way “progressives” — with their diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology — have taken over public colleges and universities. It’s about time — schools should be for teaching bodies of knowledge, not propaganda.

But if a state is going to enact a law against DEI, it should put teeth in it. Otherwise, the administrators will ignore it. So argues Texas lawyer Louis Bonham in today’s Martin Center article.

Bonham points out that some university officials have even bragged that they’ll do whatever they can to promote “diversity” no matter what the law says.

“Why do administrators such as Chemerinsky, McGowan, and Hartzell think they can brazenly admit to their past and intended future violations of the law?” Bonham asks. “I believe it is because they know the deck is stacked in such a way that nothing will ever happen to them personally. Should someone pursue legal action against them, the taxpayers would pick up the tab for the administrators’ legal defenses and any possible sanctions.”

He also provides several good ideas for legislators who want to pass a law that will actually work to get rid of DEI and keep it out. Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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