The Corner

If Obama Wants Romney to Denounce Mourdock, Shouldn’t He Denounce Donnelly?

The Obama campaign has launched a new website that has a clock going on how long it’s been since Mitt Romney refused to withdraw his support from Indiana Republican senate candidate Richard Mourdock after he said, “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”


Romney has made clear through his campaign he doesn’t agree with Mourdock’s statement — and Romney’s position is different from Mourdock’s: he believes that abortion should be legal in the case of rape. Yes, Mourdock’s view (that abortion shouldn’t be legal, even in the case of rape) isn’t widely held (despite the logical conclusion that if a child is a human being from conception onwards, his or her life exists regardless of how the conception occurred). But as our editorial earlier this week pointed out, Obama has plenty of pro-abortion views that are extremely extreme: “President Obama’s support for partial-birth abortion, taxpayer-funded abortion, late-term abortion, and a type of infanticide is also an unpopular set of positions that follows logically from certain premises, albeit very different ones.”

Furthermore, Mourdock’s Democratic opponent Joe Donnelly calls himself pro-life (although he voted for Obamacare) and even co-sponsored the bill last year which initially included the “forcible rape” language. (Donnelly did denounce that language.) So is Obama going to call on Donnelly to quit the race? Is he going to announce he doesn’t support Donnelly’s bid? And if not, does that mean that Obama is okay with “women’s rights” being stepped all over — because surely everyone you support must hold identical views to yours?

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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