The Corner

I.D. Event

If you want to a good debate on the SOCIAL consequences of the Intelligent

Design movement (as opposed to the merits of the I.D. concept), America’s

Future Foundation, a very lively group of young conservatives, have an event

tomorrow evening in DC.

Quote from the AFF website : “The event

will take at the Fund for American Studies, 1706 New Hampshire Avenue, NW,

near Dupont Circle. Drinks at 6:30; Roundtable begins at 7:00. Roundtables

are free for members, $5 for non-members.”

Panelists will be Will Wilkinson of the Cato Institute; Ron Bailey of Reason

Magazine; Blake Dvorak of the Washington Times; and Janice Crouse of

Concerned Women for America. Vince Haley of the American Enterprise

Institute will moderate.

I was originally supposed to be on the panel, & I think I mentioned this on

The Corner. However, a concatenation of events got in the way & I won’t be

attending after all. They have a great line-up though. If you can get to

Dupont Circle by 6:30 tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, I guarantee a fun &

informative event.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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