The Corner

I Mispoke

Just to be clear, most of the emails from CAIR are addressed to various advertisers — and cc’d to me — demanding that they drop their sponsorship of National Review. Those are generally polite though dishonest to the extent that most of these people didn’t read the actual column. The ones addressed solely to me are also usually equally ignorant of what I actually wrote, but tend to be much nastier (though a few are polite)– and often very poorly spelled. For example:

I read your article. The only thing I would say about

it is you are nothing but a sick fanatic and a

Prejudice Jew. I hope god will destroy all people

like you.


Gold, you probably Jew because you name GOLDBERG, why don’t you wrap yourself with pigskin and lark. Probably you like to eat, since you have no religion, why are trying to use Christians since there no hatred between Christians and Muslims, unless Jew making Christians to fight for your stupid war, Jew use weak Christians like to destroy Muslim countries like Iraq, next will be Syria or Iran.

Your dirty money is what America telling lies and showing hatred towards Islam and Muslims. Your stupid believes “we are choosing people” is lie and fabricated in the Christian bible. You hatred caused Hitler to kill your people for more than 5 million. In your life you will suffer because that is way you are.

The sick person like you wants harm Islam and Muslims. You hate us we hate you. So what are talking about here, to tell your lies to good Americans and poisoned their brains them with your lies.


You were right at the end of your article. You are a pig and you come from pig people and pigs have no reason to live if they live like you.

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