The Corner

I Guess Palin Got Chuck Yob’s Email

Friday I posted an email from Michigan Co-Chairman and former Republican National Committeeman Chuck Yob criticizing the McCain campaign for pulling out of the state and urging them to bring Palin back to the state. This came on the heels of Palin’s comments Friday that she was willing to campaign there with her husband Todd, despite the campaign pulling out of Michigan.

Palin reiterated her comments again on Saturday, as Rep. Joe Knollenberg who is in tough re-election fight personally invited Palin to come back to the state.

At the risk of stating the obvious here, it is highly, highly unusual for a VP nominee to openly question the decision of the campaign like this. And she’s now done it not once, but twice.

This is all made even more interesting by the fact that Chuck Yob’s son, John, is the deputy national political director for McCain 2008.

State party activists have also launced, where you can find a petition to get Palin to come visit Michigan and get the McCain campaign back into the state. They’re hoping to get 100,000 signatures in 7 days.

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