The Corner

I Don’t Drink Coffee, I Take Tea My Dear . . .

As I write, a million teabags are being ferried up into the CEI offices. It turns out the the Park Service wasn’t very happy about a million suspicious teabags being taken into Lafayette Square, and so forbade the organizers of the D.C. Tea Party from doing so. I overheard a reporter tut-tutting about how badly organized this was. Yes, it’s such a shame when amateurs attempt to organize a protest, isn’t it? This sort of thing should be left to the professionals at MoveOn . . .

Interestingly, as I was coming in today, I saw a woman in her 30s or 40s getting off the Metro. She looked like any soccer mom I’d encounter taking my daughter to a Girl Scouts event, yet she held in her hand a protest sign saying “Radicalized Rightwing Extremist.” She’d better not have a teabag in her purse, or who knows what action the authorities might take.

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