The Corner

White House

Hunter Biden Thinks Everyone Else Is Stupid

Then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden laugh as they listen to the grandson of George McGovern at a prayer service for former Democratic Senator George McGovern in Sioux Falls, S.D., October 25, 2012. (Nati Harnik/Reuters)

Either the Biden family is stupid, or they think everyone else is stupid. The Washington Post reports that “White House officials are crafting an agreement under which purchases of Hunter Biden’s artwork — which could be listed at prices as high as $500,000 — will be kept confidential from even the artist himself.” Except there’s nothing to prevent the buyers from later reaching out to Hunter Biden and saying, “hey, I’m the guy who shelled out a cool half-million bucks for your garbage amateur finger painting. I was hoping you could do me a favor…”

The post notes, “ethics experts as well as art critics who suggest that Hunter Biden’s art would never be priced so high if he had a different last name.” Yeah, no kidding.

Does anyone in their right mind think that the world is full of wealthy people who want to purchase paintings from Hunter Biden for $75,000 to $500,000 who are making those purchases entirely on the artistic merits and who have no interest in using those as a backdoor method of purchasing access and influence?


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