The Corner

Huckabee, Candidate of the Elites?

I was talking tonight to a veteran of the Republican Governors Association in Washington, D.C. This seasoned political operative told me that if you asked the staffers there back when both Huckabee and Romney were governors, the staffers would have strongly preferred Huckabee. The conventional wisdom, of course, is that Huckabee is the populist candidate backed by ignorant yahoos while Romney is the elitist candidate backed by effete, impudent snobs. Now, the Huckabee (and Obama) moment probably won’t last, and the heavy-hitter front-runners will probably end up being nominated, but this insight from a D.C. politics-watcher reassures me that Huckabee can appeal even to the all-important “insider” vote . . . . (For what it’s worth, the political guy I’m quoting is a McCain backer.)  

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