The Corner

Huck Looks for Black Helicopters

This is incredible.  Mike Huckabee accuses Sean Hannity, who has announced he will vote for Mitt Romney on Tuesday, of being influenced by Bain Capital, which Huckabee says owns Sean’s network — Clear Channel.

First, the facts.  Bain is trying to buy Clear Channel, or parts of it.  Clear Channel does own many radio stations.  Sean appears on many of their stations, as do many of us.  But Sean’s syndication partner is ABC Radio Networks, which was recently acquired by Citadel Broadcasting.      So, not only does Huckabee get his facts wrong, like most conspiracy kooks, he makes a scurrilous charge — in his usual matter-of-fact way — and then admits he really doesn’t know.  Here’s the video.   Not enough attention is given this tendency we’ve seen from Huckabee.  In South Carolina, where the Confederate flag issue was largely settled, he brought up during campaign stops to agitate for support.  It was utterly irresponsible act.  And then there was his devil-worship line about the Mormon faith, which was intended to raise questions about Romney’s religion.    This is disgraceful stuff.   (H/T Hot Air)

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