The Corner

Huck: I Was Just Too Busy to Know Anything about the NIE

This is pretty weak. From a CNN interview today:

BLITZER:  The other night, last night, you were asked about it and reporters there thought you seemed to be oblivious, you didn’t even know what was even in this NIE even though it’s been out for about 24 hours.  Had you not been aware that this new national intelligence estimate had been released?

HUCKABEE:  I had been up about 20 hours at that time, and I had not even so much as had the opportunity to look at a newspaper.  We were literally going from early in the morning until late that night and talking to guys like you.  And so I had not had an opportunity to be briefed on it.There are going to be times out there on the campaign trail, Wolf — you’ve been on the trail, you know — that candidates are literally driven from one event to the next.  And it would have been nice had someone been able to first say here’s some things that are going on, that are taking place.  That didn’t happen.  It’s going to happen again.

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