The Corner

Huck and Mitt

New Bloomberg/LATimes poll (via press release):

Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) — The early Republican presidential

race is a tale of voters’ divisions over religion, with former

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee riding support from evangelical

Christians to a dominant Iowa lead, and former Massachusetts

Governor Mitt Romney well ahead in more secular New Hampshire.

A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times survey of Republican voters in

the two states suggests that the only other candidate in

contention is Arizona Senator John McCain, who runs second to

Romney in New Hampshire. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani,

who leads in some national polls, and former Senator Fred Thompson

are far behind in the initial two states. The Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses

will be followed five days later by the New Hampshire primary.

“Huckabee’s rise in Iowa is due to the importance of

Christian conservative voters there,’’ said Susan Pinkus, the Los

Angeles Times polling director. “He’s not making a splash in New

Hampshire, where religion is not as important.’’

In Iowa, Huckabee, a Baptist minister, has surged to 37

percent among Republican voters; Romney is second at 23 percent.

In New Hampshire, Romney has 34 percent, followed by McCain with

21 percent and Giuliani with 14 percent. Huckabee is fourth with

only 9 percent.

The poll shows stark differences among Iowa caucus-goers and

New Hampshire primary voters on religion. In Iowa, Republicans by

almost 3 to 1 say Huckabee’s religious beliefs are a positive

factor. Almost half of these Iowa voters say Romney’s Mormon faith is a negative.

 UPDATE: More here.

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