The Corner

How Mitt Romney Taught Me Gang Lingo

Last night in my dozen observations on the debate I wrote:

5. [Romney] also made some sort of reference to coming from the “streets of America.” Romney is a fine man, but if there’s anyone less “street” than Mitt Romney I don’t know who it could be. If he’s street than I’m the shock collar for a vicious Mexican drug gang.

Well it turns out that the term is “shot caller” as in “he who calls the shots.” I’ve always heard “shock caller” when watching such shows as Sons of Anarchy. The term made vague sense to me in that it seems like the “shock collars” were the folks who took care of things on the inside of prison when it was time to pull some the leash on someone or some such. Before I wrote that last night I even googled “gang” and “shock collar.” There were enough results that I figured I could move on. But this morning, after being corrected by readers, I went and re-checked. I was wrong.

My apologies.

Here’s my greatest fear: If Romney knew that it was “shot caller” and not “shock caller,” one could arguably claim that Romney was more “street” than me all along.

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