The Corner

How It’s Done

I’ve complained about the feminist attack ads the NRSC is launching on James Webb, for the purpose of helping George Allen. Not only have I seen several television commercials to this effect, but at least three pieces of mail pushing this theme have arrived in my mailbox.

Today, I got a flyer from Rep. Tom Davis, my Republican congressman — not a conservative, but arguably a good political fit for his Northern Virginia district. His message: “‘Out-of-this-World’ Liberal Andrew Hurst is a Dangerous Choice for Congress.” There are pictures of UFOs. The flyer points out that Hurst supports publicly financed political campaigns (“Hurst wants to waste your hard-earned tax dollars”), wants to repeal the Patriot Act (“Hurst is DANGEROUS on Homeland Security”), and believes in an amnesty for illegal aliens (“rewards breaking the law and will cost taxpayers $46 billion” in “new welfare spending”). The source for this last datum is the Heritage Foundation.

This is the type of campaign Allen should be running. How weird that it’s a moderate such as Davis who delivers this message in a purplish district that he ought to win handily.

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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