The Corner


How Does a University Combat Antisemitism?

At Northwestern University, the crowd that hates Israel and anyone who denies that it is the cause of all that’s bad in the Middle East, acted the same nasty ways we’ve seen at almost every other “elite” school. In response, President Michael Schill announced that the school would form a committee to combat antisemitism. Naturally, that further triggered the angry “progressives,” who relish their hatred and want to see more of it.

Read all about it in this article by Hugh Fitzgerald.

Of course the pro-Hamas bunch at Northwestern opposes the idea, but what makes Schill think it would accomplish anything?  He ought to know that years and years of propagandizing for certain beliefs can’t be undone by a committee. This proposed committee won’t do anything other than allow him to say to donors who are unhappy about the way the school has been overrun by the intolerant Left, “Look, I tried to do something.”

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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