The Corner

How Come You Morons Can’t Crack Al Qaeda’s Communications?

This is from the WPost’s report this morning about yesterday’s release of a tape Qaeda No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, “taunting” President Bush over our recent failure to vaporize him:

M.J. Gohel, a terrorism analyst and chief executive of the Asia-Pacific Foundation in London, said it appeared that Zawahiri and bin Laden had coordinated their recent messages. He said it was noteworthy that al Qaeda’s leaders had fashioned an effective system of communication that Western intelligence agencies have been unable to penetrate.

Meanwhile, here in Oz, the U.S. Senate has decided to conduct a hearing Monday to grill high government officials about whether they have violated the law by trying to penetrate al Qaeda’s communications. During wartime. While al Qaeda is trying to blow up American cities and kill American civilians.

How hard must Zawahiri be laughing?

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