The Corner


How Can the Dominion Theory Survive the Georgia Hand Count?

Allahpundit has a good post on the Georgia recount and how the Dominion voting machines — a focus of the fevered Rudy Giuliani-Sidney Powell press conference earlier this afternoon — actually work:

It’s possible that [Trump will] file a new lawsuit citing some pretext or another but the hand recount makes his pet theory of a big Dominion-engineered hack all but DOA. The way the machines work, as I understand it, is that a voter enters their choices and then the machine spits out a paper ballot. That ballot is then scanned in on a separate machine. That means there’s a paper record of every single vote which the voter can check before scanning it; those paper ballots are being counted right now in the hand recount. As you’ll see in the clip below, Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger says that the difference they’ve found between the machine tabulations and the paper ballots is on the order of single digits in various counties.

And there was no hacking to change any votes, according to the experts. Raffensperger had a random sample of the machines audited by cybersecurity pros and they found nothing amiss.

And here is the clip he referred to:

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