The Corner

Politics & Policy

How Bad is the Leftist Infiltration of Public Education?

It’s very, very bad, as evidenced by the case John Hinderaker discusses on PowerLine today.

Teachers in a school district were required to undergo “antiracist training” that was little different from the Maoist struggle sessions where anyone who wasn’t a dedicated communist was subjected to abuse.

And where is this district? California? New York? No — Missouri.

The legal issue is whether it’s a First Amendment violation for a public entity to demand that employees profess certain ideas or suffer the consequences. The case went before a federal district judge who was one of those leftist zealots our law schools are now sending forth to undermine the rule of law, and he held in favor of the school, even assessing costs against the plaintiff.  The case is now on appeal to the 8th Circuit.

Hinderaker sums up:

Perhaps the dominant fact in America’s current public life is the Left’s insistence that everyone must agree, or pretend to agree, with its radical and extremely controversial views on race and gender. Such forced agreement has extraordinary consequences, such as, to name just two examples, multi-trillion-dollar ‘reparations’ and men competing in women’s sports. The Left’s demands to compel agreement and suppress free speech must be stopped, and I hope that the Henderson case, and others like it, will strike important blows in that effort.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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