The Corner

How Bad Has Primary Season Been for the Florida GOP?

From the Palm Beach Post:

It’s been a tough few months for Florida Republicans.

In the GOP gubernatorial primary, Rick Scott turned the scandals of his own party into a campaign issue. Bill McCollum won’t say if he’d support Scott as the party’s nominee.

So it shouldn’t be too surprising that the state party has abandoned plans for a unity event they were attempting to hold tomorrow in Tampa.

“We tossed around the idea for a couple unity events tomorrow, but it never came to fruition,” state party spokeswoman Katie Betta said. “It was too difficult to pull together not knowing what was going to happen tonight and where the candidates were going to be tomorrow.”

Betta stressed that it was a logistical issue and had nothing to do the potential of the bevy of state party leaders having to eat crow if their candidate, McCollum, loses to Scott tonight.

“Our responsibility is to elect Republican candidates,” Betta said. “We’ve opened our Victory offices and have the resources in place to help all of our candidates after the primary. At this point, Scott has chosen to not participate in that.

“But we hope to have a working relationship with whoever the nominee is,” she said.

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