The Corner


How a USC Professor Made Himself Persona Non Grata

University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles. (Jupiterimages/ Images Plus)

The Left has always been intolerant of dissent, and nowhere is that more evident than in the academic world. Disagree with some “progressive” belief, and you’re apt to be attacked.

In today’s Martin Center article, Professor James E. Moore explains why he’ll never be allowed to teach at USC again. He had been at USC for many years and thought he’d be able to retire with emeritus status. Unfortunately, he had gotten on the bad side of the USC administration, which punished him by holding up his emeritus designation.

The main reason is that, during the controversy over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, Moore stood up for due process. Regarding that incident, Moore writes:

I replied-to-all, “If the day comes you are accused of some crime or tort of which you are not guilty, and you find your peers automatically believing your accuser, I expect you will find yourselves stronger proponents of due process protections than you are now. Accusers sometimes lie.” The former dean of the school publicly condemned my response, in an email to the faculty and students, as “both insensitive and incendiary,” as lacking “sensitivity to the current climate,” as making “dialogue more difficult,” and as appearing not “to be consistent with the Price School’s Values Statement.” This characterization was nonsense, but the students agreed with the dean and organized a protest of my employment at USC on October 1, 2018.

For his timely advocacy of due process, Moore had painted a target on his back.

Moore would further enrage USC administrators by putting a flag on his office door indicating that red, white, and blue lives matter. Even though reaction from students was “approximately a 30/70 split between mostly anonymous vitriol and confidential, often face-to-face ‘thank-yous,'” campus commissars disliked the flag and told him to take it down. He refused.

Read the whole thing for further observations on campus life these days, and to discover how his saga concluded.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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