The Corner

An Hour in the House on Gosnell

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Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey said:

Murdering newborns in the abortion clinic, it seems to me, is indistinguishable from any other child predator wielding a knife or a gun.  Why isn’t that that child seen as a patient in need of medical care, warmth, nutrition and dare I say—love?

Now another national media cover up! In this case, even when a Jeffrey Dahmer-like murder trial of an abortionist named Kermit Gosnell, who ran the benign-sounding Women’s Medical Society, unfolds in a Philadelphia Courtroom replete with shocking testimony of beheadings, unfathomable abuse, death, and body parts in jars.  To this day, the national news media remains uninterested, indifferent—AWOL.  Why the censorship?  Gosnell’s “house of horrors” trial fails to attract any serious and meaningful national news reporting.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is on trial for eight counts of murder.  One count is for the death of a woman who died during an abortion at his clinic.  Seven counts are for babies who survived their abortion and were born alive but then killed by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.

In the words of the Grand Jury report: “Gosnell had a simple solution for unwanted babies: he killed them.  He didn’t call it that.  He called it ‘ensuring fetal demise.’  The way he ensured fetal demise was by sticking scissors in the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord.  He called that ‘snipping.’  Over the years there were hundreds of ‘snippings’.

Indeed, the national news media has not only taken a pass and looked the other way, but their stunning indifference has done a grave disservice to Gosnell’s victims—the woman killed, other women injured and children slaughtered by Gosnell.  Because of the national media’s indefensible silence—because of their failure to report—other women and children at other abortion mills might be at risk.

Indeed, the Gosnell Grand Jury Report in January 2011 powerfully noted that an absence of press coverage—and gross negligence by health department personnel in Pennsylvania—enabled Gosnell to show a “contemptuous disregard for the health, safety, and dignity of his patients that continued for 40 years.”

Representative Marlin Stutzman of Indiana said: 

The loss of these lives should scar the conscience of civilized people everywhere.

This is not a discussion about abstract concepts like ‘choice,’ we are talking about brutal deaths of newborn children.

Mr. Speaker, Kermit Gosnell is a predator who must be publicly exposed and openly denounced and that’s why I come to the floor—to bring attention to this case. That the American people are informed of it, aware of it, and realize the acts that are happening within our own country.

Representative Stutzman asked:

How is it that, in our age of constant news, not a single major news outlet—not a single major news outlet—has devoted serious attention to the atrocities that weren’t committed halfway around the world but in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? Has our national conscience been irreversibly seared by the deaths of more than 1.2 million unborn children every year in this country?

For highlights, I livetweeted much of the hour here.

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