The Corner

“Hope and Freedom Personified”

I’m getting a lot of these types of e-mail:

My family is from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. They left that nation in order to come to America for a better life. They hated Communism almost as much as President Reagan.

I remember when I was 7 years old, in 1984, attending a speech by President Reagan in NJ. I don’t remember any of the speech, or many images from that day, other than the view of the backs of people’s legs…….I do remember that my family was extremely proud to be there, to see a speech by President Reagan. Growing up I learned why. Conservatives and moderates in America weren’t the only people on Earth that truly loved Ronald Reagan. People who lived behind the Communist Iron Curtain also loved the man. He was hope and freedom personified. Words fail me at this point. All I can think of is: Rest in peace President Reagan.

Michael Dobric

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