The Corner

Homer Nods

The generous, broad-spirited readers of NRO — most of them, anyway –

have forgiven me for suggesting that the female bust is at its prime

before 20, and for my outrageous and scientifically counterintuitive

suggestion that Ma Nature may have made the human female visually

appealing to the human male from puberty onwards; but subscriptions

are being canceled right and left over my having posted the phrase:

“that picture of my wife & I…” Should be “of my wife and me,” of

course. Sorry, sorry, but you don’t get much editing on a blog, and

this is fugitive stuff we write here.

I place the blame for this particular solecism on H.M. Queen Elizabeth

II. This fine lady has always been wont to preface her royal

utterances with: “My husband and I…,” and I spent my formative

years hearing this particular locution relentlessly lampooned. Her

Majesty was of course speaking in the nominative, and so was correct.

Even if she had been speaking in some other case, in fact, she would

still have been correct, since it’s “The Queen’s English,” so whatever

the Queen says is correct by definition. If she had said “my husband

and I” in any case other than the nominative, or for that matter “my

husband and blomfatnixyopth,” all loyal subjects would have had to

adjust their syntax accordingly.

(While I’m posting, I should like to extend my heartfelt appreciation

to the lone reader, or at any rate lone emailer, who got the Jerry Lee

Lewis reference, and the same to the different lone reader who emailed

in to thank me for having used the word “lagniappe.”)

OK, gotta go, Ally is waiting.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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