The Corner

On the Homepage

Victor Davis Hanson declares Barack Obama our most reactionary president in recent years.

Andrew C. McCarthy suggests Rep. Peter King invite some terrorism experts to his hearings.

Jim Geraghty wonders if Jon Huntsman is too nice to be president.

Katrina Trinko navigates Michele Bachmann’s tricky history with ethanol.

Conrad Blacks argues that NATO lacks bite.

Mark Krikorian praises a bill to require employers to use the E-Verify system for all new hires.

Michael Barone sees a rivalry brewing between Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty.

Matthew Shaffer warns that a bill to regulate New York’s wine industry will hurt consumers.

Clifford D. May disputes the mainstream media’s narrative that American Muslims are victims.

Matt Mackowiak describes the potential for a Rick Perry candidacy.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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