The Corner

On the Homepage

The editors applaud House Republicans’ budget deal with the president.

John J. Miller recounts Teddy Roosevelt’s first football game.

Jim Lacey reviews the events of April 12, 1861: the siege and fall of Fort Sumter.

Kathryn Lopez speaks with Meg Meeker, the mommy doc.

Jay Nordlinger reminisces about the Left’s ridicule of SDI.

Robert Bryce picks apart the vacuous phrase “clean energy.”

Dennis Prager diagnoses the Left’s moral disease: It doesn’t recognize evil.

Mona Charen warns the Arab world that its leaders have been lying to it.

Daniel Pipes traces the recent history of a more troublesome Turkey.

Thomas Sowell advises Republicans to cut the subsidies to billionaires.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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