The Corner

On the Homepage

The editors denounce the Left’s cynical campaign to use the Giffords shooting for political advantage.

Roger Kimball chides liberals for tying metaphorical violence to literal violence.

Victor Davis Hanson condemns the media vultures scavenging a tragedy for political capital.

Katrina Trinko recounts Keith Olbermann’s use of violent rhetoric.

Kathryn Lopez and Seth Leibsohn call for a rhetorical cold shower. 

Michael Mukasey, Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani, and Frances Townsend argue the Mujahadin e Khalq isn’t a terrorist organization.

Lopez also reviews Marco Rubio’s senatorial inauguration.

Michael Barone wonders whether William Daley will cut deals with John Boehner.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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