The Corner

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The editors defend their widely discussed marriage piece from the September 20 issue of National Review.

Victor Davis Hanson likes Obama’s foreign policy for exposing the vanity of apologies, bowing, promulgations of pseudo-history, and therapeutic mythologizing. 

Michael Tanner argues that liberality with earmarks was the top symbol of Republicans’ abandonment of conservatism.

John Derbyshire remembers September: nihilism, religious ignorance, religious bling, Geert Wilders and math — what could be better?

Rep. Darrell Issa urges the federal government to get in line with the private sector and freeze hiring.

Andrew McCarthy warns that a terrorist’s conviction is being jeopardized by crippling due process standards.

Michelle Malkin sees two faces to Michelle Obama.

Jonah Goldberg says that we should assassinate Anwar al-Alaki, but we need clear standards for killing citizens.

Thomas Sowell follows up on yesterday’s column, reminding readers to keep their eye on the (midterm) ball. 

Matthew Shaffer — Mr. Shaffer is a former William F. Buckley Fellow of the National Review Institute.
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