The Corner

On the Home Page

The editors argue that the new U.N. sanctions won’t stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.


Duncan Currie discusses today’s Senate vote on regulation of greenhouse gases.


Tevi Troy writes that it will be more difficult to implement Obamacare’s provisions than it was to pass the legislation.


Clifford May writes that Hamas clearly has genocidal intentions.


Victor Davis Hanson explains how the Islamists are leading Turkey into regional mischief.


Michael Barone says that Rick Santelli’s rant was rooted in moral considerations as well as economics.


Deroy Murdock argues that tobacco taxes finance terrorism.


Stephen Spruiell criticizes Barney Frank for changing his mind on televising financial-reform negotiations.


Conrad Black believes the impending defection of Turkey from the Western camp is a great opportunity for peace.

– Carter Reese is a summer intern at National Review.

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